Product: AVOn Pro-To-Go Lipstick
Price: USD8 ( usually on sale ~ USD5.99)
Packaging: 4.5/5
Quality: 3.5/ 5
Color Selection: 2/5
Repurchase: Yes
Texture: Smooth and Thin
Finish: Satin Sheen ( for the ones I got)
Again, please pardon the low quality pictures until i get hold of a good camera that actually focuses and zooms in.
First of all, Lets start with the Good stuff. The packaging is SO GOOD! It's different, real funky and just really nice. Just push the small nob at the side and the L/S will go up; Push it down and it goes back in. I dont find the traditional L/S packaging with a separate cover troublesome, but this is just really fun. Just for this fact, I'll repurchase considering its so cheap as well.
The texture is really good, goes on smoothly ( but not the smoothest of all L/s). It feels really thin on the lips, so u dont feel like u got a whole lot of product on. I wunt talk about lasting power on my lips. Because i always eat off watever i have on anyway. So usually after some snacks, my lips will be like, bare.
I dont think I can find a perfect nude color among the selection. That's not because i am picky or anything. Comparing to other drug store brand L/S color selection, this is really little. I got these in Intimate nude and Natural Beauty. These are, reviewed as 2 of the Best MLBB color ( my lips but Better) . True enough , Natural Beauty was the MLBB color for me. It made my lips look a bit more natural pink than they really are. I have horrible lips, their color is just like dead people's lips with uneven coloring , and its a plumish color instead of being a nice pink. I'll definitely be using The Natural Beauty a Lot. It can go with probably any look, and is great when i am in a hurry.
However the Intimate Nude, is NOWHERE near nude for me. It looks more brown and dull in real life as compared to the picture. I am not terribly thin among the people here. I consider my complexion to be light, or a light medium. But Intimate nude just look like a medium brownish pink. Not flattering for me at all. It looks like some of my mom's old lipstick color on me.
Usually I prefer Matte lipsticks. I usually hate metallic sheen or overly shimmery lipsticks. But these have a, sort of, acceptable satin sheen. Nothing over the top. just a bit of sheen. really quite nice. I wunt be trying out darker / red shades because I cant really carry of those looks. But i know i will be looking at the other lighter colors available.
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Labels: avon, Lip Products, Pro-to-Go, review