Does this picture set ur mind thinking?

What about this?

Dear BLogy!,
toDAY, was OKIE!.i'm in a happy mood rite NOW! so i'm gonan say the happy things 1st.
I MADE MY FIRST TOTE BAG TODAY!. yeS, by hAnd. sew until my fingers hurt. BUT it was worth it. quite easy la, coz i converted it from a skirt. oni need to add in strips and sew one a rectangle base. :D I've been wanting to haf a "skirt-like" bag since p 5 lor!. but 2day den finally did it. hehe... !!!
sch was fine today too. the recial harmony thingy was Okie . *too* theres 4 dancers called the "golden friends" den they dance a bit. quite comical. nice. the guy mc was better. v funny person. ok now THAT is the end of HAPPY THINGS!
So, my sch just haf its 45th RITE!. den they ask us to write birthday wishes on a paper. each class one piece. some one in my class wrote "may you build the field properly". ok, actually i haf to admit, its one of the
NICEST thigns tt came out of my class already. BUT i guess the sch found it TOO offensive. and guess what? the damn IDIOT is too pussy to
ADMIT. ( sorry, censor the vulgarities urself). Anyway, my chairman alrdy said she kinda knew who it was, bt tiger oni wan the person to admit himself. two of the guys knew who it is, bt wunt tell. too bad i already changed for the bettter. but now u ppl see!?! no violence, u dont get anything done! lolz, ( tt was just jk)nows the catch, i tink u all guessed it, "
no prom for 4p3 2005~!" * 11 claps*
its serious i think, tiger nt gonna collect the $$ frm our class. Valerie oso gif us back the $$ we gave her liao... sad rite! sian, we all alrdy planed to go dress shopping together. haha... one of my classmates made a v touchin comment u noe!. canaan lor! coz he said anyway he and shan yuan oso cannot go prom ( coz causED too much trouble alrdy) , he wanted to just go and admit. even though nt he do one. *wipes tears* :P too bad the person who did it didn hear tt, i bet if nt he ll feel a BIT guilty. Joshua noe who the person is lor! u noe wad he say!!!!!!! " I wunt
sacrifice one person because of ..." @#*^$&^#)^%$_(*%^(_#*^$*#&^$_(@*^$@(&$_(@&(_^@$)(^@%_#*&% . AHEM, sorry. no comMent. after i heard "from others"wad he said! i realli wanna take the broom, FLY to his house and WHACK HIS INDIAN HEAD!. "JOSHUA KRISNASAMY!" anyway, is tt how u spell his name? indian name so diff so spell. nvm nvm.. but he is such an a$$**le. i oso heard from a highly reliable interpretation tt it might just be
HIM. the "source" said coz he write the letter "u" diff frm most others. his don haf the little 'tail' . haiya, nvm tt la. anyway tiger alrdy said, if end of today nv go and own up, we can dream abt prom.
SO! we girls already tot of an alternative! ( not i tink one hor!) '~ beach party~" . lolz, berlinda even say go frm mornign til nite. den me and vicky still jk jk say,let them go and sweat and be tired,two of us join them in the evening. haha..i htink this plan is gonna be the final one. :( sad la! give us false hope!!!!!! no choice who ask my class guys are such wimps. don dare admit stil wanna do stupid things. :S .. ok la, nt all of them. but u noe who i am targeting at. ;D
okie now, i'm back to worryign abt the physics test 2molo :S
Dear BLog,
I proudly present the Pixel Art Version1.0 !!!!!
ok, now i'm back to trying to study.
Dear Diary,
I'm back with my new layout! it's not wad i intended to change to. but i just suddenly thought of making the pics into one of this kind when i was browsing through . hehe...
Anyway, think it ll be here for a while, coz i don think i gt tiem to change anytime soon. There's lots of things coming up. 1ST ll be my Os chinese oral!!!! its on Tuesday! I A M N E R V O U S !!! VERY. the teacher told us how it's gonna be like. den i v nervous liao. I mean i haf to take my oral in an air con room? ( possibly) But i ll be Already SO nervous tt i ll v probably shivering! .AND having the time keeper sit so close to u while preparing is just a bit freaky.... I'm actualyl not THAT worried about the passage, but more the conversation. i ALWAYS have nothign to say. and i end up repeating hte same old points, in diff ways. AND i ll stutter coz i ll be too nervous. AND i'm rumbling too much now.....FOR get it.
GOD BLESS ME!oh, y no one notice i change the poem at the front .... :(