Monday, January 31, 2005
9:47 PM
Long time nv update!
no time to update and too lazy smtimes oso. Anyway, iw as sick of tt layout. So i decided to change.
BUT! turn out so damn ugly!. nvm! it will be temporary!
Saturday, January 22, 2005
1:08 AM
Dear blog,
2day went to bugis. caught a movie, shopped, bought a top and jeans 4 myself and a shirt for yang's bday. Saw a V nice shirt/jacket at 77th street. bt member's price can get it for $18 instead of $24.90 so me and char decided to buy it on monday with belinda's card. brown and green, which one nicer? dono which one to buy sia. I noe i'm broke for nex week, but i cant help it! i tink if nex tiem i dont earn $10k a mth i wunt be able to keep up my shopping habit. :S ok i'm tired dont wana write anymore. *falling asleep*...

Wednesday, January 19, 2005
10:16 PM
dear blog!,
i htink i'm a bit lag. but I love this midi on my blog!!!! i couldn get the real song though. Its the main theme song for Final Fantasy10.!!!! Anyway, i'm alreayd findign new pic 4 my nex layout. It should take quite a while... BUT it will be on final fantasy, or rather Yuna! if possible , i'll do one with yuna and tidus.... I'm in such a love mood. hahaz.
AND i LOVE Yuna! she has one green eye and one blue eye u noe~ . i just love her, so pretty. I would gif up everything to b her seriously. NOT to forget, her sweetheart Tidus is so cute! it would b such a bonus.
ArGHh, i'm dreaming........................
Monday, January 17, 2005
6:16 PM
haha! i changed my layout finally! so sian of the previous one le.. every time oso see the same layout. so decided to chagne to this one
This one's feelign and teh other one v diff hor!. but gt ppl say this oen nt nice! on my tag board. who are u
PasserBy?? no name? y dont leave name, obviously i noe u since u've seen my previous layout.
-_-"""" . anyway i wanted to use a poser pic a kinda pic where the base face/figure is the same but the clothing expression makeup are diff. There are quite a few ppl who does it and put their works online. But i cant find an angel pic tt i wanted. They either have BIG words on them to rpevent copyright or are too small. so frustrating! i tried to edit one pic i foudn nice. budden edit until nt nice looks weird at the places where there used to b wirds. Co zi haf to recolor those bits. In the end gif up lor, no choice dono how to edit it.
anyway can all of u hear the music? its a midi, its either color of the wind or a final fantasy theme song. i 4got which one i put. Coz smtimes i cant hear the music . Must press the play button den it play. at 1st when i put the code it will auto play, dono y now dont haf ? :S
ok anyway nvm, nth much to update about.
I gt 4 test this week , CHinese, Amaths,Emaths and Chem. Wed oso gt chinese spelling hai.... sian life.
I watched " why me sweetie?" on vcd jsut now. in cihens is " wo de shi yi nan you" . So touching!!!!! acted by Gu tian Le and some other girl. v pretty . hahaz. ok tts all bb !
Thursday, January 13, 2005
7:01 PM
O h m y f r e a k i n g GOD !
Dear blog,
Today is CCA observation day.
i MADE such a BIG FOOL of myself!!!!
i should have just dug a hold and bury myself. I'm so e
mbarrassed :'(
i danced like shit, bt towards the ending was better but doesn help ease the e
mbarrasement at 1st.
god help me.-vic0le-
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
9:27 PM
I am so curel? i've almsot abandoned my blog already ! -_-" bt cant help it realli, sec 4 life is so damn stressed! :S i feel it already. test test test hw hw hw hw -_-"""""""" . i took a quiz i hope it shows up. if it does i will put up 2 more which i did, if not well, chao~

LOVING ONE. You need safety in your relationship.
You want to be sure in his/her arms, knowing
that he will protect you and you can be totally
devoted to your other. At this point you are
very vulnerable. You open yourself and dont
even think that he/she could cheat you. You
totally trust your partner in every single way.
SO if you find out that she/he lied to you or
played a game this trust is broken. You may try
to forgive your other but this will be very
difficult.He/She has to be friendly and
trustworthy.PLEASE VOTE, I want to know what you think about my
quiz, I worked hard on it.You can always message me or tell me how I can
improve that quiz. Ill sure write back.
~THE big LOVE TEST!! What do you need? With PICS! For girls and boys!~brought to you by quizilla
Your Hidden Power Is WaterYou have a rather calm soul, but when tempted
will get pissed off at those who bug you. You
do whatever you can in your powers to help
those of your allies and have a okay taste for
human kind, but you find them rather annoying
on occasions.
Gem Stone: Saphire,
Eye Color:Ice
Hair Color:Dark Blue that's long
that goes to your waist.
Quote:If you wait for meThen I'll come for you. Although I've travelled
far, I always hold a place for youIn my heart. If you think of me, If you miss me
once in a while, Then I'll return to you. I'll
return and fill that space in your heart
What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::. brought to you by quizilla